Awards, Honors & Professional Memberships
1. The APA Prize for Young Scientist 2024 by The Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association.
2. Startup Research Grant (SRG) by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India (2022)
3. DST-Inspire Faculty Award by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India (2020). INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship Scheme Provides consolidated research fellowship along with Rs. 35 lakh of research grant for 5 years to young achievers for independent research and to emerge as a leader in the chosen area. (Research project period 2021-2026)
4. Springer Award at International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP2013) at Leuven, Belgium for outstandimg presentation in the category of Sustainable Energy Technologies
5. Asian Human Resource Fellowship (AHR Fellowship) by Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Japan) in July 2011; Fellowship period 2011-2014; Exemption of tution fees and monthly fellowship for carrying Ph.D. programme in Tokyo Metropolitan University.
6. University level First Position (University of Calicut) in M.Sc. Applied Chemistry (July 2010) and Prof. Geetha Parameswaran Endowment Award for best outgoing student from Department of Chemistry, University of Calicut (2008-2010 Batch)
7. Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and National Eligiblity Test (NET) in December 2009
8. Regular Member of Japanese Photochemistry Association (2012), Chemical Society of Japan (2013) and Royal Society of Chemistry (2017)